
The week’s best lead generation links are here for you. This week we talk about Amazon’s dungeon, why it’s hard for people to make decisions, how stereo was sold when everyone was happy with mono, and a little research on how familiarity and impressions work together. The lesson is that humans are complex decision making creatures.


Selling is easy, find a market need and fill it, right? But as sales and marketing practices have evolved over time, buying practices have evolved as well. This week we’ll take a look at the history of price tags (it had to start somewhere, right?), teaching sales people to be curious, thinking globally about what we take for granted locally, and bacon.


Welcome to the Sales Lead Digest. You are receiving this email because you have been involved in the US Farm Data Lead Generation Webinar Series, and we have more to share. Every other week you’ll receive our digest of the best lead generation links from around the web. Our team bookmarks dozens of articles each day and it’s my job to pull out the most interesting ones to send to you. Think of me as a librarian of lead news.


Now that we have that out of the way, let’s dig a little deeper. Whether your close rate is 10-20 or 30%, most of your prospects are not purchasing your product. . .today. We’ve worked with companies over the years and have found that even the most standard sales metrics are missing that critical component, time-frame.


When it comes to mapping out the services LeadGen Compass provides, search engine optimization, search engine (SEO) marketing, or SEO, creates some internal friction. On one side are the veterans that have watched spammy companies and SEO gurus make extraordinary promises about getting you to “#1 on Google!” and say they never want to be associated with the term, SEO.