Entries by LeadGen Compass


Loss Leader Chickens, Exploding Worlds, and Book Covers – The Sales Lead Digest

The first article hits close to home because when you buy your next Costco rotisserie chicken it may be coming from our home state of Nebraska. Fremont Chickens may not catch up to Omaha Steaks but you never know! This week there are a few big numbers in our articles – 91 million chickens, 100 million mobile downloads, 6 million concurrent game users – then we wrap it up with a bit on book covers.


Bespoke Fashion Robots and Ebooks

The love hate relationship with chatbots continues. Although I admit it may just be me because I can’t help but think I’m not talking to a human. This week we talk about chatbots and luxury fashion, we spend some time with companies trying to try a new old idea customizing at scale, and we see another example of companies trying to control capitalism.