n this week’s lead generation news, we take a look at markets. Virtual markets that may or may not exist, arbitrage markets in food and the data behind a trending meme. I try not to get stuck on some of these stories, but the virtual designer clothes thing. . .if that takes off I may just give up this work thing because it may mean I don’t understand markets at all.
This week’s articles lean toward big picture ideas but we round everything out with potty humor so all is right in the world. We’re going to use a consultant’s deep dive into direct-to-consumer retail for some hints on B2B marketing, think about using game film to make our marketing better, think a little about Google’s new search changes, and keep an eye on a giant Pentagon contract won by Microsoft. Then we pop into Shanghai for just a bit.
The first article hits close to home because when you buy your next Costco rotisserie chicken it may be coming from our home state of Nebraska. Fremont Chickens may not catch up to Omaha Steaks but you never know! This week there are a few big numbers in our articles – 91 million chickens, 100 million mobile downloads, 6 million concurrent game users – then we wrap it up with a bit on book covers.